úterý 29. června 2010

UWC kůra je za mnou

Tak jsem doma...už tomu bude skoro měsíc, co jsem vypadala už nadobro z Duina. Potom jsme ještě s rodičema chvíli jezdili tam kolem do Grada, do Caorle... A pomalu zjišťuju, jak moc mi chybí angličtina jak moc se v ní zhoršuju, protože ji prostě nepoužívám, tak jsem si říkala, že to tady možná vezmu z jedné vody na čisto a začnu tu prostě psát English... :) I made this decision as I want my friends to read this...I am sure they want to know what´s going on with their Iva :)
Well, I had a great month of doing nothing and everything at the same time. I went to an amzing music festival in Prague, but I went there with my American friend Alli, so the festival became v. different than the years before..it was awsome :) Than I met my prima, who is already seconda, and Sergio with his mum in Prague. We walked around and I had a cool conversation with Sergio´s mum...I have to say that she is v. friendly and clever lady...it was interesting to listen her stories about Latin America. I also went to mountains for around 3 days...I am going to go there again... And I got a letter from Cindy !!!! :) And a postcard from Dorka. It made me v. happy :) And I also made 12 jars of strawberry jam. I start working today...and I cannot wait. I almost forgot to say that I had fun with my two best friends...and I enjoy being with Viktor. And I swim a lot... and that´s it. I will write more when I´ll have something to say :)

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